
Flexible, cost-effective, and fully usage-based pricing.
No setup fees. Start immediately with our free plan up to $12/month of data usage.
If pay-as-you-go doesn't match your needs, we also offer monthly fee estimates or fixed-price contracts.

Fee Calculation Table

Sample plans

Case studies

  • Media website with 1 million page views/month

    Rough estimate: $275/month

    Cached API requests: 2 API hits x 1,000,000 PVs x ($0.37 / 10,000 hits) = $74

    Media data transfer: 1,000,000 PVs x 1 MB x ($1 / 5000 MB) = $200

  • Active membership website with 1,000 users

    Rough estimate: $180/month

    1,000 daily user logins: 9 API hits x 1,000 users x 30 days x ($0.46 / 1,000 hits) = $124.20

    Media data transfer: 250 GB x ($1 / 5 GB) = $50

Free Trial

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