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Can I update image and file fields with the bulk_upsert API for content?

It is possible to update image and file fields with the bulk_upsert API for content.


You can only update the following items. Updating GCS, S3, and Vimeo items is not supported.

  • Images (uploaded to KurocoFiles)
  • Files (uploaded to KurocoFiles)

Preparing the zip file

To update file fields with the bulk_upsert API, you need to prepare a zip file.

Create a folder with any name and place the files you want to update directly under it. You can set any alphanumeric characters as the file names.

`- assets
|- File1.png
|- PdfFile.pdf
`- Image.png

Compress the created folder in zip format.

|- assets # Created folder
`- # Zip file compressed from the assets folder

Uploading files using Files::upload

Use the Files::upload API to upload the ZIP file created earlier. For detailed instructions, please refer to Uploading Files Using an API.

// Response from Files::upload
"file_id": "files/temp/*.zip",
"errors": []

Once completed, POST the following request body to Topics::bulk_upsert.

Specify the file_id included in the response from Files::upload in assets_file, and specify the names of the files you want to set in each item (file or image item) of the list.

"assets_file": {
"file_id": "files/temp/*.zip" // file_id included in the response from Files::upload
"list": [
"topics_id": 1,
// ...
"file_field": { "file_nm": "File.png" } // File name in the zip file
"topics_id": 2,
// ...
"file_field": { "file_nm": "PdfFile.pdf" }
"subject": "New Content",
// ...
"file_field": { "file_nm": "Image.png" }
  • Please replace file_field to your own extension item's ID (ext_X) or slug.

Uploading with custom processing

If you call bulk_upsert from custom processing, you cannot use the Files::upload API, so you need to upload the file using a file manipulation plugin.

Here is an example of uploading the file placed in the /files/ltd directory of the file manager with custom processing.

{rcms_hash var='temp_name' data='bulk_upsert_assets' key=$|strval}
{assign var='temp_assets_path' value="/files/temp/`$temp_name`.zip"}
{put_file path=$temp_assets_path files_path="/files/ltd/"}

{assign_array var='body' values=''}

{* assets_file *}
{assign_array var='body.assets_file' values=''}
{assign var='body.assets_file.file_id' value=$temp_assets_path|trim:'/'}

{* list *}
{assign_array var='body.list' values=''}
{assign_array var='content' values=''}
{assign var='content.topics_id' value=1}
{assign_array var='content.file_field' values=''}
{assign var='content.file_field.file_nm' value='File.png'}
{assign var='body.list.' value=$content}

{* POST Topics::bulk_upsert *}
{api_internal var='response' method='POST' endpoint='/rcms-api/1/topics/bulk_upsert' queries=$body member_id=$smarty.session.member_id}
  • Replace the value=1 part with the content ID you want to update.
  • Please replace file_field to your own extension item's ID (ext_X) or slug.
  • Modify File.png to the name of the uploaded file.
  • Replace /rcms-api/1/topics/bulk_upsert with your own endpoint. It should be a secure API with dynamic access tokens set up.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.