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Filtering API responses by content category

Use the contents_type parameter to filter the results by content category.

Example Content

Check the results when filtering the following content:

Topic IDTitleContent Category IDCategory Name
1152Article of parent category17Parent NEWS
1153Article of child category54Child NEWS
1154Article of grandchild category55Grandchild NEWS
  • Content Category Settings:
    Image from Gyazo

  • Content List:
    Image from Gyazo

Narrowing down by contents_type

Filtering by contents_type does not consider the parent-child relationships in content categories. Therefore, the list of content belonging to the specified content category is returned.

Filtering by contents_type=[17]

Only "Article of parent category" is displayed.

Request URL:

Response body:

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"list": [
"topics_id": 1152,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 17,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of parent category",

"pageInfo": {
"totalCnt": 1,


Filtering by contents_type=[17,54]

"Article of parent category" and "Article of child category" are displayed.

Request URL:

Response body:

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"list": [
"topics_id": 1152,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 17,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of parent category",

"topics_id": 1153,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 54,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of child category",

"pageInfo": {
"totalCnt": 2,


Narrowing down by category_parent_id

Filtering by category_parent_id considers the parent-child relationships in content categories. Therefore, the list of content belonging to the specified content category and its subcategories is returned.

Filtering by category_parent_id=[17]

"Article of parent category", "Article of child category", and "Article of grandchild category" are displayed.

Request URL:

Response body:

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"list": [
"topics_id": 1152,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 17,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of parent category",

"topics_id": 1153,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 54,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of child category",

"topics_id": 1154,
"ymd": null,
"contents_type": 55,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of grandchild category",

"pageInfo": {
"totalCnt": 3,


Filtering by category_parent_id=[54]

"Article of child category" and "Article of grandchild category" are displayed.

Request URL:

Response body:

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"list": [
"topics_id": 1153,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 54,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of child category",

"topics_id": 1154,
"ymd": null,
"contents_type": 55,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of grandchild category",

"pageInfo": {
"totalCnt": 2,


Narrowing down by exclude_category_parent_id

Using exclude_category_parent_id allows you to exclude the list of content belonging to the specified content category and its subcategories from the response.

Filtering by exclude_category_parent_id=[54]

Only "Article of parent category" is displayed.

Request URL:

Response body:

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"list": [
"topics_id": 1152,
"ymd": "2023-02-16",
"contents_type": 17,
"contents": "",
"subject": "Article of parent category",

"pageInfo": {
"totalCnt": 1,



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