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Is it possible to use the Diverta's GitHub repository

If you meet the following conditions, it is possible to invite up to 2 accounts to the Diverta's GitHub repository:

  • If you are in charge of front-end development at Diverta
  • If you have a paid operation maintenance support contract with Diverta

Starting from the 3rd account onwards, there will be a cost of 1,500 yen/month per account.

If you do not meet the above conditions, you cannot use the Diverta's GitHub repository.

Creating a GitHub repository is the responsibility of the client, and invite Diverta's account to the client's repository if necessary.

Reference: About GitHub

Please check the following for GitHub plans:

Please check the following for how to create a GitHub account:

Please check the following for how to create a GitHub repository:


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.