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The ordering of the form fields is not reflected in the API. What should I do?

By default, the cols response outputs form fields as objects.
In the Endpoint settings dialog, under "Advanced settings", set "cols_type" to [array] to output the objects in a specified order.

Image from Gyazo

"cols_type" as array

Setting "cols_type" to [array] automatically outputs the cols response in an ordered array.

Example output:

"cols": [
{"key": "ext_1", ...},
{"key": "email", ...},
{"key": "ext_2", ...},
{"key": "name", ...},

"cols_type" as object

If you leave "cols_type" blank or set it to [object], the cols response will output objects in no particular order.

Example output:

"cols": {
"ext_1": {...},
"ext_2": {...},
"email": {...},
"name": {...},

However, the sorted key names are outputted under ordered_keys.
You can use this to display the keys in a specified order on the front-end as follows:

"cols": {
"ordered_keys": [


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