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Account settings

The account settings screen enables you to view and modify your Kuroco account information.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, under "SETTINGS", click [Environment] -> [Account].

Image from Gyazo

Field descriptions

Image from Gyazo

RegionRegion of the site.
SiteKeySite key for the account.
ReleaseOption to change the release version for the account.
Site nameName of the site.
Admin panel URLURL of the Kuroco management screen.
Front-end domainOption to change the front-end domain of the site.
Stage siteURL of the staging site.
API domainAPI domain of the site.
KurocoFiles domainKurocoFiles domain for the account.
ReleaseRelease for the account.
Monthly cost monitoring alert thresholdEnter your monthly threshold amount. You will receive an e-mail notification when your monthly expenses exceed this number.
MaintenanceThe API endpoints will return the status '503 Service Unavailable', and the batch processing execution will also stop. Access to the admin panel is available.
E-mailE-mail address associated with the account. For multiple recipients, enter each address on a new line.
Company nameName of your company.
NameName associated with the account.
Registration dateDate and time the site was registered.
Delete siteClick the link to go to the site content deletion screen.
UpdateClick to save the changes you made on this screen.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.