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Extended item settings

The extended item settings screen enables you to configure additional member information fields.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Member].

Image from Gyazo

On the member list screen, click the [Member] link above the page title and select [Advanced member settings] in the dropdown menu.

Image from Gyazo

On the advanced member settings screen, click [Configure extended item settings for members].

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Display (required)Display name of the item. This will be displayed in the [Profile information] tab of the member editor screen.
Data (required/alphanumeric)Variable name of the item.
Input typeInput type and options of the item. Define the input options in the format: [key]::[value](newline).
Example: Single choice (dropdown list)
1::Do not accept
Input restrictionClick the button to configure input restrictions.
OrderSort number of the item. Entries will be sorted in descending numerical order.

After configuring the extended items, click [Update] to apply the changes.

Image from Gyazo


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